How to Dispute Tenant Screening Report Errors

Tenant Screening Reports

Renting an apartment, home or townhouse can be difficult, especially if you have errors on a tenant screening report or credit report. Many consumers are anxious about getting approved for housing, but errors on tenant screening reports or credit reports shouldn’t prevent consumers from finding a new place to call home. 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) is monitoring tenant screening report and credit report errors.  Read the Report.  Tenant screening report errors, like evictions or past due rental history, can have a major impact on whether your housing application is approved or declined by landlords and property managers. 

What is a tenant screening report?

Many landlords and property managers user a tenant screening report to decide whether to rent an apartment, home or townhouse to you. Tenant screening reports can also be used to determine what deposit amount applicants must pay if their application is approved.  Tenant screening reports may include the following information:

  • Credit reports
  • Rental history, including late payments or evictions
  • Employment verification
  • Criminal history
  • Sex offender registration information
  • Terrorist and narco trafficker watchlist
  • Credit scores, risk scores
  • Determinations whether to approve or deny applications based on the landlord’s or property manager’s tenant selection criteria

How do I get a copy of my credit report or tenant screening report?

If a landlord rejects your housing application based on information in a tenant screening report that is considered an “adverse action.”  Likewise, if the landlord approves your application, but requires a larger deposit.  The landlord must tell you the name, phone number and address of the company who provided the report. If you receive an adverse action notice, then you have the right to request a free copy of your report from the tenant screening company who prepared the report. 

How to Dispute Errors on a Tenant Screening Report

First, you need to check your tenant screening report for errors. Common errors include public records or rental history of someone else who has the same or similar name. Other errors may occur because of identity theft. If you find errors on your report, then you should dispute the errors, in writing, to the tenant screening company. 

Do you need a lawyer?

The Adkins Firm represents consumers who have errors on tenant screening reports. We help our clients clear their names and move forward with housing options. Do you have errors on a tenant screening report?  Have you disputed the error and the false information was verified that it belongs to you? If you answered yes, then you may have a claim under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. Please note, there is a statute of limitations that may bar you from recovering for your damages. Don’t wait.  Contact us for a free case review at (214) 974-4030.