The US Military’s healthcare program, TriCare, has confirmed that Science Applications International Corporation will cover the costs associated with notifying almost 5 million beneficiaries whose personal identifying information was stolen in September 2001.  The service member’s information was stolen from backup computer tapes, including Social Security numbers, addresses, and phone numbers.  The massive data theft occurred when backup tapes were stolen from a Science Applications International Corp. employee’s car in San Antonio, Texas. 

What is the risk of identity theft for service members and their families?  Since the personal identifying information (PII) included Social Security numbers, names and address, I believe the risk for fraudulent use is extremely high.  The fact that these personal identifiers were included in the data loss means identity thieves have everything they need to open new credit accounts or otherwise assume your identity and make unauthorized charges on you existing credit cards.

This is the largest data loss incident I am aware of involving service members since I represented veterans in the VA data loss incident that resulted in a $20 million dollar settlement.  Click here to learn more about the VA Data breach, which included  over 26.5 million veterans and active service members. Click 2009.01.27 VA Data Breach Settlement to read the settlement agreement.

Have you received a data loss notification letter from Science Applications regarding your TriCare information?  If so, you may be at risk for identity theft.  What should you do next?  Click here for tips on how to protect your identity.  Or, contact data security attorney Micah Adkins at 1-800-263-9091 24/7 to learn how can you  can order your free credit reports from Experian, Equifax and Trans Union.  We will also send you a  and a free identity theft information kit.