Russian Espionage: The Bear Is Back  The uncovering of a Russian spy ring in the U.S. demonstrates that while the Cold War may have thawed, international espionage continues to thrive.

What you will learn:
— Step-by-step recommendations for improving your security program
— Real world tips to prevent security breaches and deficiencies
— How to ensure timely security clearance processing
— How to defend against low-tech threats and social engineering
— Vital intelligence about the latest collection techniques used by spies
— Best practices for using JPAS, JCAVS and e-QIP
— How to create a winning strategy for your awareness program
— Practical countermeasures to defend against terrorism
— Expert advice on how to avoid the biggest AIS security landmines
— Best practices to implement NISPOM changes
— Proven strategies for managing the human side of info security
— Key steps for certification and accreditation of classified systems
— How to manage risks to and from the mobile workforce
— Practical, non-technical understanding of IT security threats
— Valuable lessons learned from the security trenches
Register for IMPACT 2011 by February 28 and get $50 off the conference registration fee.

Russia is fielding an army of spies in the U.S. that is at least equal in number to the one deployed by the old, much larger Soviet Union, security experts say. The Bear is indeed back without the restraints of the Cold War and it’s easier than ever for Russian intelligence officers to meet, develop and recruit Americans.

In a plot right out of a spy novel, the Russian “illegals” lived for more than a decade in American cities and suburbs where they seemed to be ordinary couples working ordinary jobs. Experts on Russian intelligence expressed astonishment at the scale, longevity, and dedication of the “sleeper” program.

None of this is a surprise for KGB veteran Major General Oleg Kalugin who will be among an impressive faculty of speakers from industry and government sharing their insights and expertise at NSI’s IMPACT ’11 Conference and Expo on April 4-6, 2011 in Chantilly, VA.

General Kalugin will discuss the state of Russia’s security and intelligence organization today explaining the shift in foreign intelligence emphasis to economic, military and technological espionage with the United States viewed officially as Priority #1 rather than Enemy #1. He will share his insights into today’s Russia, the resurgence of the KGB and how Russia is targeting our nation’s most valuable secrets.


We invite you to join your security peers this spring and be part of the 26th annual NSI IMPACT conference on April 4-6 at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia. Over the course of three days, you’ll take part in insightful sessions and practical workshops on subjects that affect your organization. It will be a unique opportunity to boost your career, build strong skills, and meet other security professionals who are facing many of the same challenges you face.

Our goal is to provide you with top-notch education, security best practices and practical solutions you can take back to your office and implement right away. The conference is packed with informative sessions and practical workshops targeted to your specific needs so your time is always spent productively. (For a complete list of speakers, topics, and schedule, go to:


If you can attend only ONE event in 2011, this is it!
Join the best and brightest in government and industry at NSI’s 26th Annual IMPACT ’11 Conference and Expo. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from top security experts and take away real solutions during three days of cutting-edge training and networking.


Express Register online at: or call the NSI Registration Team at (508) 533-9099.

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