A Mobile, Alabama woman claims she is a victim of identity theft. According to Hubert Tate, FOX10, Tampa police are investigating an identity theft ring to see if it is associated with identity theft in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. At least three identity theft victims have come forward in the last three months.
Here’s the identity theft scheme: burglarize, impersonate, steal, repeat. Low tech, but effective. In December 2010, a Mobile, Alabama woman fell victim to the identity theft scheme. “You are so naive that it could happen to you,” said the woman. The victim told FOX10 News she went to a local store and when she came out, her car had been broken into. The Mobile victim had over $13,000.00 stolen from her bank account.
Victims of identity theft often do not discover they are indeed a victim until they review their consumer disclosure (“credit report”) or start receiving phone calls from a debt collector. According to the Federal Trade Commission, 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year.
Consumers have a right to their free credit report when they are victims of identity theft or fraud. A fraud or identity theft vctim’s right to a free credit report is in addition to their right to receive a free credit report under the Annual Disclosure Rule. If you have been a victim of identity theft or fraud, then you should request your free credit report directly from each of the three credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. Do not use up your free annual disclsoure when you have been a victim of identity theft or fraud!
In addition, the Federal Trade Commission recommends the following:
1. File an identity theft report with filing your local, state, or federal law enforcement agency.
2. Notify your creditors and Equifax, Experian and Trans Union of the identity theft and provide them with a copy of your Identity Theft Report.
If you need the contact information for the big three nationwide consumer reporting agencies, or need other assistance with your identity theft claim, then contact identity theft lawyer Micah Adkins for more information.