At least 500 consumers had their credit or debit card numbers stolen by identity thieves from the Lucky’s supermarkets.  The identity thieves installed card skimmers at the self-checkout counters of the stores and collected customers’ credit or debit card information, expiration dates, security codes and personal identification numbers (PIN). 

What is a skimmer?

What stores were involved in the Lucky’s card reader scam?  According to Lucky’s website on November 23, 2011, 20 California were affected by the data breach, including:

1.      Lucky- Pinole

2.      Lucky- Milpitas

3.      Lucky- Mountain View

4.      Lucky- Redwood City

5.      Lucky- El Cerrito

6.      Lucky- Daily City

7.      Lucky- Foster City

8.      Lucky- San Carlos

9.      Lucky- Millbrae

10.  Lucky- Alameda

11.  Lucky- Santa Clara on 234 Saratoga Ave.

12.  Lucky- San Francisco on 1515 Sloat Blvd.

13.  Lucky- Hayward on 25151 Santa Clara St.

14.  Lucky- Fremont on 5000 Mowry Ave.

15.  Lucky – 35820 Fremont Blvd.

16.  Lucky- San Jose on 5510 Monterey Highway

17.  Lucky – 200 El Paseo De Saratoga

18.  Lucky – 844 Blossom Hill Rd.

19.  Lucky – 3270 South White Road

20.  Save Mart- Watsonville

Since Lucky’s November 23, 2011 announcement, on December 7, 2011, Lucky’s added 4 more stores to the list, including:

21.  Lucky- Sunnyvale

22.  Lucky-Novato

23.  Lucky on 939 Lakeville Hwy. in Petaluma.

24.  Lucky San Leandro store on 1300 Fairmont Drive

The card readers were removed and replaced by identity thieves before November 23, but Lucky’s has not said how long ago. 

Are you a Lucky’s customer?  Have you reviewed you bank and credit card statements lately and discovered unauthorized charges?  If you have found fraudulent charges, you may be an identity theft victim.  Contact consumer protection attorney Micah Adkins for a free identity theft information kit at 1-800-263-9091 24/7.


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