Do you have credit report errors?
We represent consumers with credit report problems. Credit report errors can be a result of identity theft. Credit report errors can also be a result of a consumer reporting agency’s failure to assure the maximum accuracy of consumers’ credit reports.
The most common consumer complaints we hear include:
(1) Identity theft – inaccurate information in the consumer’s credit report because of an identity thief; (2) Mixed files – inaccurate information in the consumer’s credit report because of the credit bureaus’ “mixing” information that belongs to another consumer; (3) Obsolete information – information that is obsolete because it is older than 7 1/2 years and is derogatory; and (4) Public Records – judgments, liens, garnishments, etc…that are being reported incorrectly, such as a judgment that was paid, but report as owing
All of these credit report errors can keep consumers from getting credit, employment, housing and insurance. Banks use credit report to determine whether to approve mortgage applications. Credit card companies use credit reports to determine eligibility for credit and the applicable interest rate. Employers use credit reports to decide whether to hire, promote or fire employees, and insurance companies review credit reports to determine rates and down payment requirements.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that gives consumers the right to dispute credit report errors for free.
1. Consumers should notify the credit bureaus, in writing, of any information that is incorrect. This may include personal identifying information, public records, accounts and inquiries.
2. Consumers may include supporting documents with their disputes. For example, if the judgment was paid, then send a copy of the court record that shows it was paid. Or, if the consumer is a victim of identity theft, then the consumer may consider sending an ID Theft Complaint & Affidavit in support of the dispute.
3. Consumers should provide the credit bureaus with contact information, such as address and telephone number and Social Security number so that the credit bureau may locate the consumer file.
4. Consumers should mail the dispute letter by certified mail. By doing so, the consumer will know that the credit agency received the dispute and when. This is important because of the federal law which requires the bureaus to timely investigate consumer disputes
5. Consumers should keep the dispute letter clear and to the point. For example: “My name is_____ and I am disputing Account 123 because it is not mine.”
6. Consumers should keep a copy of the dispute letter and certified mail receipts, especially if the consumer has to hire an FCRA attorney to make the credit bureaus comply with the law.
If you have reviewed your credit report and disputed the incorrect or fraudulent information, and the credit reporting agency has refused to remove the credit report errors, then you may be entitled to recover money damages. Contact us for a free case review at 1-800-263-9091 24/7.
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