City of Detroit Data Breach

Our firm is investigating a recent data breach involving the City of Detroit Health Department.  We have received information that the personal information of over 5,000 people have been stolen in 2 separate data breaches.  The first, occurred in October 2009 when a flash drive was stolen from the Detroit Health Department.  The flash drive contained medical information, including patients’ Social Security numbers of babies born in the 48202 and 48205 zip codes and their parents personal identifying information.

The second data breach occurred in November of 2009 when 5 computers were stolen from the Detroit Health Department’s Immunization Program.  At least one of the computers contained pateints’ Medicare and Medicaid 2008 billing information.

According to the City of Detroit Health Department, almost 5,000 letters are being sent to some of the individuals whose information was stolen, informing them of the breach and the risk they now face of identity theft.  How do I get my credit report?

If you or a loved one have received a data breach notification letter from the City of Detroit (or any other government agency) you may be entitled to money damages.  Contact one of our data breach attorneys for a free and confidential legal consultation.