The massive oil slick is creeping towards the Gulf Coast shoreline.  Thousands of barrels of crude oil continue to leak into the Gulf of Mexico.  The oil slick is expected to hit landfall along the Mississippi River Delta and other Gulf areas Saturday.

The oil spill has taken a toll on sea life all along the Gulf Coast.  Fishing and tourism has come to a halt and the seafood industry may come to a halt to for many weeks to come.

Governor Jindal echoed the same fear, ” this oil literally threatens our way of life.”

The BP oil company held town hall meetings throughout the region Saturday to respond to concern about the spill’s consequences.  However, Alabama fishermen were not allowed to ask questions.

Who will have a voice on behalf of Alabamians impacted by BP’s oil spill?  Have you received cancellations for your rental property?  Have you commercial fishing activities stopped because of the BP oil slick?  Contact one of our attorneys today for a confidential legal consultation is you have been damaged as a result of the BP oil spill.