2nd Data Loss at Pensacola Naval Hopsital
The Department of the Navy Pensacola is reporting Pensacola Naval Hospital has lost personal identifiable information again. The first reported data loss incident this year included a missing laptop in August of 2009. According to the Department of Navy’s August 31, 2009 Personal Identifying Information (PII) loss notification letter, the Pharmacy Department at Naval Hospital Pensacola reported a missing laptop on August 18, 2009 and the laptop contained names, Social Security numbers and date of birth of at least 38,000 patients.
The second reported data loss of 2009 involved the loss of a CD. The CD contained personal identifying information (PII) of patients for the time period 2005 through 2009. The CD was created by a staff employee that transferred to the Pensacola Naval Hospital from New Hampshire Naval Hospital. Thus, the lost CD more likely than not contained patient information from the New Hampshire Naval Hospital and Pensacola Naval Hospital patients.
Our firm is investigating both data losses and will begin evaluating new client claims in January 2010. If you have received a personal identifying information (PII) data loss notification letter from the Department of Navy, Pensacola Naval Hospital, New Hampshire Naval Hospital, Nurse Corps, or any other federal government branch from August 2009 to the present, you may be entitled to money damages. Contact data security attorney Micah Adkins for a confidential and free legal consultation.